It has been more than a year I haven’t bashed a male character. This was one of the figure in the joint project by CalvinLo, Porkins73 and myself. We together made 3 figures based on the same story line to enter the 2nd Sci Fic Figure Contest.

Background Story (by CalvinLo):
The Year is 2067, due to over development and ever widening gap between rich and poor, citizen of the People Republic of China (PRC) revolts against super-corporations and the central Govt.
Funded by the West in the attempt to demolish the growing dominancy of the PRC, offshore private contractors were hired to infiltrate the mainland and supply the locals with hi-tech assault vehicles and fire arms.
Turning from outraged desperations to ruthless terrorism (so it was deemed), the Govt. deployed the special national security unit “Falcon” to crack down on the severe regional raids and attacks by civilian militia groups.

Seeing the country being tear apart by greed, madness and political conspiracy, a group of Ex-Next Generation People’s Liberation Army (NGPLA) regrouped and formed the Peace Restoring Troop – Clan of SHU, whom initiated a Peace Keeping Campaign in different regions. While calming the citizen revolts with minimal forces and supply of resources, fighting the super-corporations financed Contractors holds no room for diplomacy.
Being charge by the Govt. for mutiny and conspiracy with civilian militia,
Clan of SHU has no choice but fight along side the militia to overthrow the corrupted Govt.
Two other so-called Prosperity Restoring Troop- Clan of the WU & Stability Restoring Troop – Clan of the CHO also rise up with their hidden agendas to take charge of the country.
China, once again enters the era of the Three Kingdoms with hundreds of years of civil war to follow…

17:00 1st July, 2067, Hong Kong Island:
Pilot: Guys, we are right above Wan Chai Crater, ground situation is hostile, will drop you here from this altitude.
Zhang: OK, team, listen up, ignite sequence’s on, let’s go airborne.
Huang: I like this part, let’s make a big entrance.
Xiang: See you guys on the ground.

Zhang: Search the area, eliminate anything that moves. Xiang, check out that temple
Xiang: Roger that, weapon’s hot
Zhang: Huang, let’s move out

Huang: Incoming! Falcons at 12 o’clock…
Zhang: Get the far target, I’ll take the near one
Huang: Got my 20’s locked on…holy shxt…they are fast!
Zhang: Errrr…Crash you bitch!

Huang: all target neutralized, area secured
Zhang: look at these cloned mindless bitches.

The Character: Zhang Fei
Zhang is the leader of a heavily armed and high mobility team in NGPLA. Most parts of Zhang’s body is replaced with modern cyber organic components and power endo skeleton below the pressurized protecting suit. At the back of the armor there are 2 auto homing cannons capable of locking on 8 targets simultaneously. There are also a pair of boosters to enhance maneuver. Wearing the anti-gravity skaters installed on the boots, the team can hover at high speed above ground or sea. Zhang also has a gatling gun for urban fight and laser spear for close encounters.

The Figure
Headsculpt – Anthony Wong HS from Initial D Figure Series, unknown maker, modified (see below)
Body – Hot Toys new generation body, modified to improve articulation
Hands – Takara Jin-Roh
Suit/Helmet/Boots – Sea International KUSA Master Nova
Armor Set – Sea International KUSA Master Nova modified (see below)
Gatling Gun – custom made (see below)
Spear – Sangokumusou weapon set modified (see below)

This headsculpt is supposed to be Anthony Wong, a well known movie actor in HK. It is sculpted based on his appearance in the movie “Initial D”. To make him fitting to the SF theme, I decided to give him a bald look. First I remove the entire hair part. Then I re-sculpted the head with AB putty. The 3 round things at the back of the head are supposed to be some kind of human machine interfaces that connect to the exterior armor, controlling the auto homing cannons at the back. These round things were cut out from the arm joints of some robot figure. Last, I sculpted some beard to make him look more like the legendary character Zhang Fei. Repainted with acrylics.

I like very much the design of this armor by Dajoint ( This is combining both Sci Fic and ancient Chinese warrior to produce a very unique figure. All I have done was to add a few enhancement here and there: like converting the cannon joints to universal joints, adding a pair of boosters (see below) and adding some flexible cable ducts.

The original design of KUSA is a bit too clumsy. To overcome this I decided to add a pair of boosters at the back so that it looks having better mobility. It took me a while to look for the right ones until I came across these Macross jet fighter’s. To match the overall raw style of the armor I added strips and rivets details using AB putty. These boosters were connected to the armor with universal ball joints to give some degree of movement.

Hovering skate
This is another modification to improve the mobility feeling of this character. The hovering skate, in my mind, can make the whole body float from the surface of the ground or sea, using some anti-gravity technology. I utilized some gundam model kit as the blades and then add details like springs and rivets to make it look more mechanical. Unintentionally, it also improved the ability of this heavy figure to stand on its own.

Gatling Gun
Using the gun comes with the KUSA figure as a base, I added parts from Armored Core model kit to make this gatling gun. This has previously been posted here:

Laser Spear
This supposed to be more than just an ordinary spear. The blade emitting flame can pierce most armor. This is Zhang’s favorite weapon for close encounters. The model kit is from Sangokumusou weapon collection. However, it was too short to fit 1/6 scale. A longer shaft is used. The blue wool thing deco was replaced by red fur.