In 2020 I bought the Monkey King figure from 303 Toys. It is an amazing figure. So when 303 Toys announced the release of Nezha I immediately pre-ordered one. After almost a year it finally delivered. I like this Nezha figure as much as I hate it. I like its design, artwork and details. It comes with rich set of weapons and accessories. However, the articulation of the limbs is quite limited and that restricted the pose-ability to some extend. It requires a lot of carefulness and patience to handle this.
The original paint work is decent but still I have hand painted some shading to make it stand out after the camera. The display stands come with the figure do not securely hold the body tightly. I have make a new display stand with transparent acrylic plastic which fits the waist. It does not affect the move range of the hands. The transparent material is not that noticeable as well. The implanted hair falls off easily. I applied some water diluted white glue to the root. My unit has a alignment issue with the back armor. I need to cut and re-glue to the correct position.
I always want to create a scene which Monkey King fights with Nezha so I made the CG in the opening, with my very amateur video skills. The lack of extreme pose-ability of the figures also limited some more intensive fighting scenes. I wish to re-do this in the future.
I wrapped the display stand with blue paper so I can easily remove it in the video, to make Nezha look like floating in the air. Same trick was used in the making of CG. All the fire and mist effects were done with video material found from the internet. The above the cloud background was shot myself with a drone.


Back to the figure, my evaluation as follow. The strengths are:
– Beautiful head sculpt
– Great details of the armor and costume
– Rich weapon set – Different hand gestures
– Armillary Sash enriches the poses
– Good cost performance of the deluxe version
However, there are quite a number of short comings too:
– Articulation of the limbs are quite limited
– The limbs cannot support the weight of the metallic weapon for some postures
– Forearm can be broken easily
– Display stand cannot effectively hold the smaller body
– QC problem: the back armor is not properly installed. One metal ring is missed in the costume
– Not a true “3 head 6 arm” version as in the myth
– The angry head expression is not very natural with the open mouth
Overall speaking, I still like this figure a lot. It just look so cool!